
Such a happier calmer frame of mind

by | Sep 7, 2024 | Testimonials

Such a happier, calmer frame of mind for starting college next week.  This is the feedback after three Body Code/Emotion Code sessions for a 16 year old, who had for months withdrawn from the family, was full of rage and hatred towards her mother,  and a whole variety of other issues.

Session one: Molly came into the kitchen this morning and actually started talking to me (first time in weeks) and this evening she came out of her bedroom and sat and had a meal with us ( first time in months!) So something is shifting. Feeling very optimistic… thank you

Session two: I have had a really good day today. I asked Molly what she wanted to do as a treat for passing her exams… she wanted to drive to Wales to a shop she loves. So just the 2 of us spent the whole afternoon  together. We chatted, she played music she knew we’d both like and it was really enjoyable. Energy was so different. Then she asked if we could see Silver the horse…she’s hardly seen him in months..  and we had a lovely couple of hours with him. She said ” I think this is going to be a good year for me”.

The change is really noticeable… she is happier, lighter, chatty, choosing to spend time with us.

Really feeling optimistic…

Session three: Molly is so much better. My dad was here at the weekend and he was amazed. He saw her 3 weeks ago when she was angry and shouting at us, full of angst and didn’t want to be anywhere near us. This weekend she gave him a big hug and chatted to him. She said again “I think this is going to be a good year for me” , which is so different than before. She felt that everyone was against her and had nothing to look forward to. That has certainly lifted. She’s in such a happier calmer frame of mind for starting college next week.

Tamara Rose, Kinver, UK

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Body Code/Emotion Code energy healing sessions are performed worldwide on Zoom, by phone or even by email. You can be on other side of the world and it will still be as effective.

For more information about energy healing sessions, contact me at: annabelfreeflow@gmail.com

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