The Belief Code

The Belief Code is a sophisticated and transformative energy healing method.  As an Energy Healing Practitioner, I use The Belief Code to tap into the subconscious mind to identify & release unwanted beliefs and reverse negative systems of thought.

What Is The Belief Code?

The Belief Code is a sophisticated and transformative energy healing method that expands upon the fundamental principles introduced in the Emotion Code and the Body Code.

The Belief Code is a mind mapping energy healing technique that allows me as the practitioner to tap into the subconscious mind to identify and release unwanted beliefs, reverse, or replace negative systems of thought, and create space for new empowering beliefs.

How does The Belief Code work?

By using muscle testing, I can ask the subconscious mind yes or no questions to determine what may be holding you back from aligning with your highest self, achieving your vision, or what may be causing physical or mental pain and illness.

Experience the Benefits of The Belief Code

1. Freedom from Limitations: Liberate your mind, body, and spirit from beliefs that hinder your healing progress.

2. See the World Anew: Gain a fresh perspective on yourself and your surroundings.

3. Release Lingering Beliefs: Bid farewell to beliefs retained by your body long after your mind has let them go.

4. Embrace Empowering Beliefs: Create space for installation and activation of new positive beliefs.
5. Reprogramme Your Mind: Experience a profound shift in outlook and perception.

Discover the layers of a Belief System

Annabel Grey: Certified Emotion Code Practitioner Northumberland

A belief system shapes every aspect of our lives, often without our conscious awareness. The Belief Code addresses the four main layers of a Faulty Belief System, akin to a tree:

Faulty Core Identity: The soil where negative beliefs take root, often from childhood.

Faulty Core Belief: The roots, representing reinforced beliefs interconnecting over time.

Limiting Belief: The trunk, the core of your belief system influencing your self-perception.

Negative Program: The branches and leaves, manifesting as negative thoughts and self-talk.

By understanding and addressing these layers, you can dramatically change your outlook and transform your life.

For more information about The Belief Code contact me at: or to book a session please use the button below.

The Belief Code is comprised of seven main categories

Each category consists of sub-categories with cascading lists of both negative and positive beliefs. This results in an incredibly efficient process of finding and releasing unwanted beliefs, and installing positive beliefs.

The Seven Categories of The Belief Code are:

1. Divine

2. Communication

3. Insight

4. Power

5. Love

6. Passion

7. Survival

The Heart Wall, Body Code Emotion Code : Globally Certified Practitioner Annabel Grey Freeflow Energy Healing
For more information about The Belief Code contact me at: or to book a session please use the button below.