Emotion Code/ Body Code and Belief Code FAQs

Emotion Code/ Body Code and Belief Code FAQs

by | Oct 10, 2024 | Articles, Body Code / Emotion Code

Q: What happens in an Emotion Code/Body Code, or Belief Code Session?

At the beginning of the session, we will discuss one or two main issues that are highlighting themselves for you. In your first session you will have a little more time to talk if you wish.The Body Code/Emotion Code and Belief Code can be used for almost anything. It can be mental, physical, emotional or spiritual. You can also have sessions for abundance blocks, house clearing, creative blocks, relationship issues. The beauty of the Emotion Code/Body Code and Belief Code is that there is no need to share details and it is totally non-invasive.I access the subconscious mind and locate trapped emotions and many other types of energies (including beliefs, which are also energy) so they can be released. I will identify associated details if necessary while clearing the trapped emotion or energy from the body. The details I may determine would be the approximate age that the emotion got trapped, location in the body where it is lodged, and genealogy of the emotion in the case of inherited emotions.

Q: How are trapped emotions and other energies released?

Trapped emotions and other energies are released with magnetic energy. Just like a magnifying glass intensifies sunlight enough to start a fire, magnets can act as an amplifier for the energy of our intentions to produce a change in the body. The intentions and thoughts we have are energy. Magnets are energy. Your body is energy. Because of this, one can have an effect on the other.

We use the Governing Meridian as the entrance point for the amplified intention energy, because the Governing Meridian is an energy reservoir that connects directly to all the acupuncture meridians (energy pathways) in the body. By pulling or releasing energy from it, we are affecting the energy throughout the body and the trapped emotion or trapped energy is released.

Q: Will I feel anything after the session?

You might! Your “Processing Time” is the time your body will need to adjust and recalibrate after your session. The imbalancing energies and blockages were lodged in various places in your body.  They were released or rebalanced during your session and your body needs time to adjust to the “new normal”, a better normal. Processing time can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days; usually not more than a day or two.

80% report no noticeable processing symptoms and many feel lighter and less burdened.  However, 20% report some processing symptoms that can include yawning (major sign of energy release), thirst, getting chills, headache, waves of nausea, or more. Some may feel physically tired, require more sleep and may have vivid dreams.  “Echoes” of the emotions released may be felt but it will never be as intense as the originating experience, it will be a milder version and will pass during the processing time.  Know that it is temporary.  It is recommended to take it easy, rest and stay hydrated during this time.  It all depends on your body and each person has a different experience.  Some clients feel nothing, which is fine too.

Q: How will I get the details of my session?

I will email you a detailed report after your session. It will list all the emotions that were identified and released for you in the session (Emotion Code) as well as all other imbalances that were rebalanced, corrected, or realigned (Body Code) and for the Belief Code, all the beliefs will be listed. Belief Code is a powerful tool for reprogramming the subconscious mind. At least 95% of our consciousness operates from the subconscious level, so this is a powerful way to create a new reality.

Q: How do distant (email/video or phone call) sessions work?

The Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code can potentially be used on anyone, any time, anywhere through the method of proxy testing that allows us to work without the limitations of time and distance.

Since we are all energy and we are all energetically connected, as a certified practitioner I’m trained to access your energy field when permitted and do the work.  This works on the same principles as reiki, where the healer is able to send positive universal healing energy to the client regardless of how far or close the client is; in even simpler words, just like your mobile phone can connect you with anyone in the world, I do the same thing using energy.

Q: Is the information we exchange during the session kept confidential?

Absolutely. It’s my professional and moral obligation to keep all client information confidential. All the information we exchange during the session will be kept private and the report will only be shared with you.

Also, during the session if something painful or emotional comes up for you, you do not need to disclose the reason/ details of the event or context around it, that’s completely OK and doesn’t in any way interfere with the clearing process.

You can share as little or as much as you are comfortable with.

Q: How many sessions do I need?

How many sessions you come for is entirely in your hands. It very much varies from person to person and depends on the issue or issues you are working with.

I often recommend receiving three sessions in the first place; with three sessions, there is a beginning, middle and an end already in mind. I offer a discount on 3 session bundles:


From there you can see if deeper layers are revealing themselves and whether you feel that this energy healing would support you in a longer journey to explore and heal those.

Q: How often do I need to have my sessions?

Generally I recommend once a week initially. After that, I recommend once a fortnight or once a month, and after that just when you feel the need or something fresh arises. Energy healing is a bit like taking a bath and it’s a good idea to clean up one’s energy on a reasonably regular basis, if this modality is beneficial to you.

If you are requesting sessions more than once a week, I muscle test and check with your subconscious to see if that is okay, as we want to be careful not to give your body too much to process. I always say that healing is a journey, that there is no rush. Slower is faster and I am here to support you on your healing journey to whatever degree you need.

Q: How do I book a session?

There are three ways we can do a session: through email, video call (FaceTime, Whatsapp or Zoom) or phone call.

Just message me to discuss available slots or you can schedule through the online calendar https://freeflowenergyhealing.simplybook.it/v2/#book. If you cannot see any times that suit you, please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate you. It is also possible to pay by bank transfer if you are in the UK.

Q: What is you cancellation policy?

If the cancellation is within 24 hours of a scheduled appointment, your session will take place at the scheduled time remotely by email and the report will be sent afterwards.

If the cancellation is within 48 hours of a scheduled appointment, we can reschedule your session to a new time.

If you are unable to arrive at a session on time, I will send a reminder email or text, and start the session remotely until you arrive.




Book A Session

Body Code/Emotion Code energy healing sessions are performed worldwide on Zoom, by phone or even by email. You can be on the other side of the world and it will still be as effective.

For more information about energy healing sessions, contact me at: annabelfreeflow@gmail.com

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